Fairer jobseeking with MediMatcher

Ethnicity, gender, age, health and sexual orientation are all characteristics causing illegal discrimination against job seekers in the job market. This is why one of the most important features of MediMatcher is anonymity in job searching.

Ethnicity, gender, age, health and sexual orientation are all characteristics causing illegal discrimination against job seekers in the job market.

Enough already!

One of the most important features of MediMatcher is anonymity in job searching. It means that every job seeker presents their profiles with only the most relevant information relating to their profession, such as work experience and educational background. This ensures that all prejudice and structural discrimination embedded in our culture is forgotten, as it should.

Health and ethnicity still obstacles for landing a job

The most recent report on the surveillance of work life discrimination, conducted by the Finnish ministry of employment and economy, reveals one thing: discrimination occurs in working life all the time. Discrimination is experienced especially by people with disabilities, ethnic and national minorities, and women. Moreover, people are also discriminated against young or old age and for starting a family.

Prejudice is deeply rooted

Nearly all people have thoughts and ideas that discriminate. In fact, they are so common there exist old sayings, like “Italians think the Spanish are simple” or “All dog lovers think cats are untrustworthy.” These sayings may seem innocent at first, but they reflect the existence of more harmful forms of discrimination, such as racism and sexism, which a number of individuals deal with on a daily basis.

These types of thought patterns are harmful and counterproductive because they prevent the most qualified employee from getting hired. In job seeking, some people continue to have to push harder than others because of discrimination.

The problem can be fixed

Discrimination can be prevented in many ways. And as in many other issues, education is the key to happiness.

For instance, a thoughtful employer can organize recruitment by hiding applicants’ names, or applications can be completely anonymous, just like in MediMatcher! In this way, even the most open-minded employer will make sure their job search is rid of prejudice so the most qualified applicant will be hired.

So sign in and start your fairer jobseeking with MediMatcher today!

Source: Työsyrjinnän seuranta Suomessa (Trans: Surveillance of work discrimination in Finland), Keski-Petäjä & Pietilä, 2014

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MediMatcher is a job search engine for nurses and doctors. Sign up here!

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