Terms of Use for MediMatcher

1. General

The outlined terms of use (from here on referred to as “Terms of Use”) will be applied to the MediMatcher online service (from here on referred to as “Service”) delivered through the network of Medimatcher Oy (from here on referred to as “Service Provider”). The service is a healthcare and care industry focused service delivered via the information network. The service is meant for the use of both employers and employees.

The users of the service (from here on referred to as “User”) must carefully acquaint themselves with the terms of us prior to using the service. The terms of use applied to the service in the current moment will be available on the service website (https://www.medimatcher.com). Account registration to the Service will signify that the User accepts the Terms of Use and will commit to following them in using the Service. Thereby an agreement in accordance with the Terms of Use will be established between the Service Provider and the User.

These Terms of Use are up-to-date and these terms are used primarily. If a separate service agreement regarding the use of the Service has been concluded between the User and the Service Provider, or the User has accepted a separate offer regarding the use of the Service made by the Service Provider, which contains conditions different from these Terms of Use, the terms of that service agreement or offer do not apply, but the Terms of Use on the website are always primary and valid.

2. Service Use

The term User here refers to an autonomous natural person or an official admin as stated in the company or organization register who the Service Provider has given a username for signing into the Service. The User will acquire the username for signing into the service, once the Service Provider has accepted the account created to the Service by the User.

The information which the User provides to the Service Provider must be real and up to date. The User’s information must belong to the User. Providing another person’s user information to the Service Provider or using another person’s user information to log into the Service is forbidden. By creating a user account to the Service, the User confirms that the information provided is real and up to date. User accounts are user specific.

The right to use the Service is not transferable. Giving up or expressing one’s User specific account information to another party for Service use is forbidden. User information must be dealt with care.

The Service Provider holds the right to cancel or deny access to the Service in cases where the User has not followed the Terms of Use during the customer relationship.

The Service and its content are the property of the Service Provider. The Service Provider will grant the User a limited and reversible right to use the Service and its content. The Service Provider will grant the User the right to view, edit, download, print and save information from the Service only for the User’s personal, company-related, and non-commercial purposes.

Granting a limited right to use the service does not imply the transfer of the Service or its content’s ownership. The Service Provider does not grant the User any right of ownership to the Service or its content.

The right to use the Service has been limited according to the following criteria:

(1) Editing, copying, public display, presentation or sharing of the Service content for any public or commercial purpose without the prior written authorization by the Service Provider is forbidden;

(2) The rights to the Service content, including its copyright, are held by the Service Provider. Copying any information to another server or location for the purpose of publishing, replication or sharing is forbidden;

(3) The Service Provider will grant the User only the rights outlined in the Terms of Use. The rights outlined in the Terms of Use also concern the customer communication between the Service Provider and the User, such as newsletter distributed via email;

(4) When the User downloads information for copies or printing, the User must include in that content all the relevant copyright and other right-specific notifications.

3. Changes

A change is considered notified when the information concerning a change has been clearly visible to the User in the Service. A notification about a change can also be delivered to the User’s email or phone number.

The Service Provider has at any time the right, for any reason without prior notification or obligation for reimbursement or compensation;

  • change the outlook of the Service, its content and functions;
  • fix the arisen mistakes or lacks in the Service;
  • delete parts of the Service, such as Service functions;
  • delete any content created by the User to the Service;
  • limit Service use;
  • interrupt the Service partly or in whole.

The Service Provide will however aim to notify the User in a reasonable time frame about any relevant changes, limitations or interruptions which would significantly influence the Service use prior to their occurrence.

The Service Provider has the right to change the Terms of Use at any time. The changes made to the Terms of Use will take effect at the time of notifying the User about them. The User will accept the changed Terms of Use by continuing the use of the Service after such notifications.

The Service Provider has the right to change the agreed pricing of the Service at any time. The Service Provider will notify the User about price changes to the User’s email or phone number at least thirty (30) days before the changes come into effect.

The Service Provider has the right at any time to change the User’s free plan to use the Service into a paid plan. The Service Provider will notify the User about changing the free plan into a paid plan at least thirty (30) days before the changes come into effect.

The Service Provider has the right to collect an additional billing charge from billed charges.

The Service Provider holds the right to terminate the User’s right to Service use immediately without a prior notice or reimbursement obligation in case the User has violated the Terms of Use outlined here.

The Service Provider holds the right to end the delivery of the Service in whole at any time. The Service Provider will however aim to notify the User about the termination of the Service in a reasonable time prior to termination.

The Service Provider holds the right to transfer the rights granted to the Service Provider in the Terms of Use to a third party at any time, so that the new Service Provider will be an entity other than MediMatcher Oy. Such situation may arise for instance when the Service or its parts are sold or in other ways transferred to another enterprise.

4. Responsibilities

The Service Provider will not guarantee that the website will function without interruptions or errors. The Service Provider will not be responsible for any direct or indirect losses which are caused by the use or interruptions of websites or electronic services, or any losses related to them. The Service Provider is not responsible for the changes or disappearance of any information delivered to the Service. The Service Provider will not be responsible for any material produced or published by a third part, which could possibly be linked to the Service website. The Service Provider’s maximum liability, however, will always be 10% of the annual costs of the Service.

The User is responsible for the authenticity and thorough delivery of the information they are providing via the website. The User confirms and is responsible for not sending any illegal or inappropriate data. The User must in all reasonable means ensure that the delivered data does not contain viruses or be harmful in any other way.

5. Force Majeure

The obligations outlined in the Terms of Use will not bind the Service Provider nor the User during the period and the extent which the failure ot fulfilling contractual obligations is caused by a force majeure.

A force majeure is considered to be an event which is unexpected, extraordinary, external and independent of the Service Provider and the User, the consequences and avoidance of which are considered outside the influence of the contractual parties.

Such event can for instance be war, public interruption of traffic, interruption or error in energy delivery, error in the information technology network, fire, exceptional natural phenomenon or another unusual reason with similar consequences independent of the Service Provider or the User.

6. Data protection and data security

The Service Provider will save the User’s personal data fed into the Service in a personal data registry. The admin of the personal data registry will be MediMatcher Oy. The management and protection of the personal data registry will be done by following the Service Provider’s privacy policy. The privacy policy is visible on the Service website (https://www.medimatcher.com). By accepting the Terms of Use, the User confirms that they have read and accepted the privacy policy.

As all account information is User specific, they shall not be given or expressed to any third parties or dealt carelessly so that a person other than the User can sign into the Service. In case an external party will acquire the User account data, the User must inform the Service Provider immediately.

The Service Provider holds the right to oblige the User to change their account password at any given time due to data security reasons.

The User’s personal information is confidential. The Service Provider holds the right to present the User’s rightful person’s logo as a public reference.

The Service Provider will aim at organizing the information security of the Service efficiently in a publicly acceptable manner and in an appropriate technical solution to prevent unauthorized parties from accessing their data services and networks.

The Service Provider will not guarantee perfect data security of the Service or the data sent or received through its functions.

The User confirms their awareness that the web environment and web services are not entirely secure. The User is responsible for ensuring the appropriate data security management of their own data services and networks.

7. Applicable law and dispute settlement

Finnish Law applies to the Terms of Use and the Service which these terms are drafter, the possible Service specific conditions and/or special conditions as well as the possible contract about the Service. All disagreements and disputes between the User and the Service Provider will first be attempted to solve via negotiations.

In case the Service Provider and the User are unable to reach an agreement concerning their dispute via negotiations, the dispute will be settled by the District Court of Helsinki. Exceptions are formed by copyright disputes, which are primarily settled by The Market Court.

On certain basis, Consumers can request for a settlement recommendation from the Consumer Disputes Board (https://www.kuluttajariita.fi/en). Prior to moving the dispute to be handled by the Consumer Disputes Board, the consumer must first be in contact with Consumer Advise (https://www.kkv.fi/en/consumer-advice/).